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The General Artists Pool Submission is closed.
Thanks to the over 100 artists that submitted in this round!

SearchLight is accepting applicants into its Pre-Qualified NFT Artists Pool. Artists in the pool will be considered for numerous opportunities, including exhibitions at Art Basel Miami, Cr3ative X, NFT.NYC, in the SearchLight Atelier & Gallery, and other IRL and online events throughout 2022-2023.


We are committed to a diverse, inclusive, and just culture and actively encourage artists from all ethnicities, gender orientations, ages, and backgrounds to apply


This special art invitation is for professional artists or artist teams/collaborations worldwide with an interest in minting and/or lazy minting on a blockchain. Artists will be reviewed and selected for inclusion into the pre-qualified pool from which the SearchLight curatorial team(s) will select work for upcoming opportunities, based on the appropriateness of their media and experience. Acceptance into the Pool does not guarantee inclusion in any particular exhibition, but it does guarantee that your work will be considered as opportunities arise. Artists may also be considered for featured content.

SearchLight supports the NFT community by raising the visibility of NFT artists, introducing them to a broader audience while addressing important ideas and themes in the crypto-art space.

Follow the instructions in this application EXACTLY to ensure that your submission will be considered.


Please read the following information carefully before submitting your application.  


Selection Process 

Submissions will be pre-screened and verified for compliance with our requirements by the SearchLight team. The Pre-Qualified Artist Pool is the database used to select artists for upcoming SearchLight projects. Ad-hoc selection groups, including guest curators, community, and partner representatives, may be convened to collaborate on finalizing rosters for projects.


Selection Criteria 

Artists will be selected based on the following criteria: ƒ 

  • Professional and artistic qualifications and standards of excellence in innovation, creativity, and originality as demonstrated in materials submitted;

  • Appropriateness of applicant’s medium and style for prospective projects; ƒ 

  • Experience with NFTs and cryptocurrency; 

  • A demonstrated ability to coordinate in accordance with a proposed schedule, in a professional manner.

Submission Preparation 

Prepare an online portfolio page for submittal to include the following information:

  • Artist Statement - Briefly describe your experience, philosophy, and approach to artmaking, and specifically your interest in NFT art. Also, please succinctly describe any previous experience with coordinating to show your work. Up to 500 words max.

  • Bio, Resume or CV that outlines your professional accomplishments as an artist and lists shows, relevant experience or projects. Provide highlights with a link to any supporting material or articles about your work.

  • Provide images that showcase your best work and current direction. Include links to minted works where applicable, descriptions, media, tools used, desired display approach, and price of each work. If work was created by an artist team, specify your role. 

  • SearchLight has created a resource for general submissions and exhibitions. It is provided here: Prep & Tech 


  • In the submission form, a section is designated for the link to your online Portfolio page outlined above. This page/link should be easy for the curatorial team to access without a password or special permission. This can be a page on your website or a simple Google document allowing access to anyone with the link

  • The submission form also requests one (profile) image file. This image should be a ratio of 16:9, horizontal, under 100MB, and can have up to 4 images on it. Provide a link to the image in a google folder. It is the first item the curatorial team will see and should best represent your current body of work.

  • If selected for the pre-qualified pool, your images will be retained for a period of at least one year from the date of notification of your inclusion in the pool. 

  • By submitting work you agree to have your work displayed on the SearchLight website and associated promotional materials for each event or project. Credit will always be given to you as the artist. SearchLight does not retain any copyright to your artwork unless explicitly arranged.

  • If you or your team is already in the artist pool we suggest that you revisit and update your portfolio links and to switch out old work for newer pieces. Also, make sure your links did not expire.

  • Follow @SearchNFTs on Twitter to stay updated. 



Submission Form
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